I love knives. Love them. Edge play, knife play, sharp, shiny blades... they make me squee like nothing else.
Here's an excerpt to describe just what knives do to me - this is from Sharing Silver. Enjoy!
She was
unable to tear her eyes away from what he was holding, what he had obviously
been keeping in his belt. A shiny, ornate, glittering knife.
up," Trevor said roughly. Once she had done so, he wrapped her hair around
his fist and drew her close to him, bending her backwards and kissing her
fiercely, on and on until her knees felt like water.
fucking beautiful," he whispered, his eyes boring into hers.
Silver didn't
know how to respond. She wanted to tell him how devoted she was, how much she
wanted to please them both, but instead she gazed at him, helplessly. She could
feel the pulse beating in her throat.
for her now," Travis said, from the corner.
gonna start with a little exercise in self-control," Trevor went on, still
gripping her hair in the most deliciously painful way. "I like to set a
girl on fire. Master Travis, on the other hand... well... you're about to find out.
Go to him, Silver girl."
He released
her hair then, and gave her a gentle push towards where Travis was standing
beside the spanking bench. It had been realigned to resemble a table.
"Lie on
your back, Silver girl," Travis said. "We're not going to restrain
you. Yet."
"Like I
said, self-control," Trevor added. "You have to remain completely
still... can you do that?"
frozen with both lust and fear, Silver nodded. "Y-yes, Master."
When Travis
once more produced the knife and laid it across her throat, she felt herself
gush. They must have really studied my
intake form, she thought irrationally.
I think I underlined 'edge play', 'knife play' and 'breath play' three times,
and even drew little stars around them.
pale, satiny skin," Travis was almost growling, his eyes blazing with
intensity. "You'd better not move, Silver girl. I'd hate to cut you. Well,"
he chuckled, "unintentionally, anyway."
As he began
to draw the blade across her chest, she moaned at the sharp sting. Her nipples
were so hard she was sure they could cut glass.
that feel good, baby?" Travis crooned, drawing lines of exquisite heat
over her breasts and over her belly.
incapable of coherent speech, Silver moaned, her fingers gripping the sides of
the table so hard that her knuckles were white.
such a clever thing," he went on, "it feels like I'm slicing you
open... but I promise you I'm not."
Silver wasn't
too sure whether it really mattered anymore. She trusted both men implicitly,
but there were certainly worse ways to go.
now for the test," Trevor said, and she felt his hand slide between her
thighs. "I'm gonna make you come, Silver girl, and you are going to have
to remain completely still throughout."
unearthly, guttural groan echoed around the stone walls of the dungeon, and she
realised it had come from her, as Trevor's fingers found her straining,
throbbing bud and began to caress it, lightly.
you dare fucking move," Travis reminded her, the knife still trailing
sharply across her lower belly. "I'm serious, Silver girl. If I wanted to
cut you, I'd be using a scalpel and doing it properly."
A shudder
threatened to overcome her, and she realised she was biting her lip, hard. "Pl-please,
Master, please may I cum?" she whimpered.
you do it without moving?" Trevor's fingers were insistent, ruthless,
manipulating her clit with a precision she could never hope to emulate, not
even herself.
I don't care if he cuts me, I need
to come! "Y-yes,
Master, please..." she pleaded instead. She looked down and saw the gleam
of Trav's knife tracing faint scarlet lines across her pale skin and then,
beyond that, Trevor's dark eyes as he watched her intently. His delicious lips
moved before she heard the word.